3G Technology Vodafone

Vodafone Zuhause Talk&Web-box Firmware v0250

Updates : The link to the file might have been removed by the author. I’ve uploaded my copy at http://rapidshare.com/files/43671450/Talk_Web_FW2_50.zip

After 3 days of searching through German forums and struggling to understand to German, I finally able to get a copy of the firmware for my 3G router. I was so darn happy when I received this

Hallo melz84,

Epstone hat auf das Thema ‘Firmware Update Vadafone Talk&Web Box’ im Forum ‘Internet ??ber Mobilfunk: UMTS/GPRS u. Co.’ bei onlinekosten.de Community geantwortet.

Dieses Thema ist hier zu finden:

Dies ist der Beitrag, der gerade geschrieben wurde:
at 5 o’clock it should be ready downloadable http://home.arcor.de/patis-page/Talk_Web_FW2_50.zip

Es k??nnte noch weitere Antworten auf das Thema geben, jedoch erhalten Sie keine zus?¤tzlichen Benachrichtigungen, bis Sie das Forum wieder besucht haben.

Mit freundlichen Gr????en

onlinekosten.de Community


I quickly went and download the firmware as this firmware is not distributed anymore in German nor any websites. Lucky for me, Epstone from the Onlinekosten.de forum uploaded the firmware back into his server again for me. Anyway, those who are using the same unit as me, you can download it from the address above. I haven’t upgrade the firmware yet. I want to read more on their discussion about the firmware before i proceed. As you know, the process is unreversible.

Updates : The link to the file has been removed by the author. I’ve uploaded my copy at http://rapidshare.com/files/43671450/Talk_Web_FW2_50.zip

Now playing: Unknown ArtistTrack 3

21 thoughts on “Vodafone Zuhause Talk&Web-box Firmware v0250

  1. Hi there,

    Is it official release for Vodafone or not? I’m using unlocked version of Zuhause Talk&Web ;)) Will this version work for me? I’m currently using v0237. What’s the differences?



  2. Hi Halim

    v0250 is the final official release from Vodafone as confirmed by one of the onlinekosten.de forum members.

    Previously I was using v0237 as well and I did updated it to v0250. There’s only a slight changes with the firmware update.

    Version v0250 repairs the follow potential problems that might occur.

    1. Administration of the “Access Control List” (WLAN access list – restriction of the access for certain WLAN Clients)

    2. Internet connection establishment procedures.

    If you have no problem using v0237, then I think it’s not necessary for you to update the firmware. As it’s only for minor fix. =)

  3. Anyone knows how to set the Zuhause to UMTS ONLY? it often down to GPRS and I hate it.

    How to set the wifi so anyone outside whom wants to connect to my AP require a password.

  4. Hi Alex,
    The Zuhause doesn’t not have any option to choose between UMTS / GPRS . It runs on auto-switch.

    If you run the wizard, it will ask you to config the WIFI AP. By default the AP is on until you set it off

  5. hi there,

    Zuhause auto connect feature has been disabled in firmware version v0237 & v0250 . There’s no way to get it back. I viewed the web management source code. The feature is there but disabled. I don’t know why though.

  6. Hi,

    does anybody have an older firmware version with this auto connect feature?

    I talked this week with somebody of the vodafone support team. She said, that this feature is not supported anymore and that it’s unclear if this function will be implemented in future firmware versions.

    By the way, did somebody know how I could initiate the connection establishment with a commandline tool like wget. The HTML-document of the admin interface is full of javascript code and till now I didn’t found something useful.

    Another thing would be interesting: In the firmware version 2.50 is a telnetd running, not any longer in the newest firmware 2.63. Does anybody know the username and password? For the username maybe “root”, but what is the password? For those who want to try it with a telnet hacking tool:
    It’s not possible to do this, because there is a lock included. After 3..4 false passwords it will get locked and you have to reboot the box.

    Another starting point would be the config file, which could be exported and imported through the admin web interface. But there I found also nothing userful for getting back the autoconncect feature. The auto connect option is set to 1, so it should go. (The option in the config-file: umts_auto_connect=1)

    Thanks for any replies.

  7. Hi,

    now I found a way to initiate the connection establishment with a commandline tool. If somebody is interested how to do this:

    A) Get a version of wget (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wget)
    B) Use the following commands (in a batch-file):

    1. Line:
    wget –http-user=admin –http-password=[YOURPASSWORD] -O %temp%\temp.html

    I’m not shure if this command is essential. Maybe it is sufficient to use the last command (Line 3).

    ping -n1

    (Wait for one second)

    wget –http-user=admin –http-password=[YOURPASSWORD] –post-data “todo=connect” -O %temp%\temp.html

    For [YOURPASSWORD] insert the admin-password of the box.

    Don’t be irritated that the second answer (in the file %temp%\temp.html) of the box looks like an error message. After 3..4 seconds the DATA-LED should turn on.

    I tested it with the firmware version 2.50 and 2.63.
    Greetings, with the hope that somebody has a need for this…

    P.S. Excuse my poor english.

  8. Sven, thanks for the valuable info. I did notice about the auto connect feature being enabled. But if you try looking through the connection page source code, you’ll find that the code for auto connect box is there but separated with the // quote thus disabling it.

  9. I also have tampered using Firefox HTTP tampering plugin, altering the “h_umts_auto_connect” value from “disable” to “enable”. After rechecking the page source, I found out that the “h_umts_auto_connect” value is now “enable”. However, despite the value and several cold boots, the setting didn’t seems to have any effect. Instead, changing UMTS APN setting now requires another cold boot.

    Returned the “h_umts_auto_connect” setting back to “disable” now..

  10. Solution for Zuhause Disconnect Problem.
    Try at your own risk

    I just bought my new zuhause talk&web and subscribe to celcom broadband. The problem is it always disconnected and show “attaching to network”.

    I’ve tried to upgrade the router firmware to 2.50 & 2.63 but the problem still persist.

    Finally I’ve found the solution!!! You have to upgrade the 3G card merlin U630 firmware instead! I’ve just upgrade the firmware to 14.5 and everything work fine. Not more irritating “attaching to network” anymore. I’ve been connected for few hours without interruption. Go to
    to download the firmware.

    The only problem is you have to open your zuhause talk&web (this might void your warranty) and take out your 3G card inside. Then have to use notebook to upgrade the firmware.. Good luck

  11. Garth,
    You don have to update the sim card, you only need to upgrade the 3G Card firmware.. The difficult part is to take out the 3G card, have to unscrew the cover..

  12. how to unscrew the cover??? tell me the steps..ive open it but afraid 2 pull the card out…it has aluminium holder on top..should i pull that out too?

  13. Hi all, I bought Zuhause 3 month ago, but until now it cannot connected to internet. The data light show both green and red light up. Anyone can help me.

  14. I’m using Celcom unlimited 384kb/sec, already upgrade to firmware 2.63. but still not upgrade firmware u630 to 14.5. I’m log in using admin password, set apn to celcom3g, click button connect, and it show ‘Connecting…’ but not connecting…

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